
Welcome to my blog! Thanks for taking the time to read what I’ve written. I hope you find these posts to be both informative and thought provoking! I invite your questions, comments and feedback. And, of course, always feel free to share with anyone you think might benefit or be interested!

All love,


How’s Your Inner Child Doing?

How’s Your Inner Child Doing?

When was the last time you had a conversation with your 3 year old, or your 7 year old, or your 12 year old…or any younger part of yourself that may be crying out for attention, acceptance or love? For most people, the answer to that question is N.E.V.E.R. Most of us...

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My 30 Year Marriage Had Just Ended

My 30 Year Marriage Had Just Ended

I was 52. My 30 year marriage had just ended. I'd moved out of my 2500 square foot house in the suburbs, leaving my kids, my dogs and most of what I'd accumulated over the course of my adult life behind. I backed down the driveway barely able to see for the steady...

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Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness

Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." Rev. Martin Luther King I’ve always been a bit, ok maybe more than a bit, of a talker.  They didn’t call me Chatty Cathy for nothing!  And I’m a natural...

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Crying An Ocean of Tears

Crying An Ocean of Tears

One Sunday afternoon in late August, when I was gifting myself with much needed rest following my diagnosis with lyme disease, I decided to take myself to my town lake for a bit of swimming and sun. Lake or ocean, I prefer the beach later in the day, when the sun...

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The Unrecognized Effects of Early Loss

The Unrecognized Effects of Early Loss

After more than 12 years of tapping with clients as well as in my own life, I continue to be amazed at the depth at which EFT can go to uncover and heal our unhealed emotional wounding.  Consistently, when I listen in to the energy behind the words a client is saying,...

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I Listened For Your Voice

There is so much information at our fingertips these days that we're often not sure where or who to listen to for the information that's going to best serve us. Sometimes, having a lot of information can be a wonderful thing. Like when you need to use your GPS to...

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Are you ready to move out of overwhelm, stress and feeling not good enough into a greater sense of peace, purpose and passion?

If so, I invite you to take the first step by entering your info below to receive my two relaxing and renewing meditations.

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Emotional Alchemy: Healing From the Heart