All love,
OMG, how did we get here already? I know that I say this every year, but this year it feels like time has been moving faster than ever. Even though time is a made-up concept here on planet Earth, it’s still a concept that we have to live with. Our lives are ruled by...
This is a love letter to all of the women who want to love themselves more, break free of self-hatred, self-sabotage, anxiety, depression and playing small, figure out who they are outside of the influence of family, culture, relationship, career or personal trauma...
Epigenetics, PSD and Women’s Trauma
When you looked at the title of this piece, you may have thought that I forgot to put the T in PTSD. At least that’s what I would have thought! My very active inner copywriter seems to automatically go to the misspelled word or incorrect grammatical use of a word on...
Mystic Mag Interview
Hello friends! I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Mystic Mag and wanted to share the interview with you! You can use this link to access the interview. https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/interview-catherineewing/
I happened to see the following post by author Elizabeth Gilbert on someone's FB feed and, even though it’s 7 years old, it feels like it needs to be shared NOW! Because, if not now, then when? We all need to know that it’s ok to be in that place… the place of a deep...
Healing Is Not One and Done!
One of the things I’ve done a lot of work on in my life, and with my clients, is to identify where we may hold beliefs in our subconscious that are not congruent with what we want to create. I call these limiting beliefs. Often outside of our conscious awareness, they...