Happy Birthday Ed!

Happy Birthday Ed!

I just love how Spirit and spiritual lessons can come to us in the most extraordinarily ordinary ways!  I experienced at least two of them this week that I’d like to share with you. The first was a surprise birthday visit from my brother Ed.  It was October 26th, his...
Don’t Try To Go It Alone

Don’t Try To Go It Alone

I know it’s not easy to stay on track with a new program, way of thinking or new creative endeavor. It seems that life wants to derail you and send you back to GO! Sort of like an adult version of Chutes and Ladders. You’re going along just fine, doing all...
ALERT: Prison Break

ALERT: Prison Break

Do you remember the TV Show “Prison Break” that was popular from 2005-2009?  My daughter loved that show and I admit I watched it with her for a couple of seasons.  OK, in all honesty, I liked it, too!  But after a couple of seasons the plot got too...