
Welcome to my blog! Thanks for taking the time to read what I’ve written. I hope you find these posts to be both informative and thought provoking! I invite your questions, comments and feedback. And, of course, always feel free to share with anyone you think might benefit or be interested!

All love,


My Deep Personal Struggle

My Deep Personal Struggle

The Best Laid Plans Have you ever had a great plan that crumbled in the face of something greater?  That happened to me recently and revealed a deep personal struggle which, after considerable contemplation, I've decided to share with you. In late August, as a sort of...

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You Were Hijacked and Didn’t Even Know It!

You Were Hijacked and Didn’t Even Know It!

When was the last time you were hijacked? Never, you say? Whoa...not so fast!  Think again. Have you ever had, or felt like you were going to have, a panic attack? Have you ever suddenly heard words come out of your mouth that you would NEVER actually say? Have you...

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Butterflies, Dragonflies and Transformation

Butterflies, Dragonflies and Transformation

Several years ago I started having close encounters with dragonflies.  They began to show up everywhere I turned.  Outside on my deck, sitting by water, taking a walk, they flew around me and landed on me in numbers that I'd never encountered before.  At the same...

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Dear Beloved One, I come today to speak to the parts of you that feel imperfect or inadequate. Or perhaps I should say the parts of us, since we are all one. I come today to speak to the younger aspects of your human self, still very much alive within the all of you....

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Are you ready to move out of overwhelm, stress and feeling not good enough into a greater sense of peace, purpose and passion?

If so, I invite you to take the first step by entering your info below to receive my two relaxing and renewing meditations.

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Emotional Alchemy: Healing From the Heart